
The hours in the programme are in EEST (CEST+1h)

24th April 2020 (Fri)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
17:00 – 17:30 Opening Session – (Kamen Iliev)
Welcoming speech Organiser
Welcoming speech official guests
    Jeliaz Enev, Director 'Economic Policy' Directorate, Ministry of Economy of Rep. Bulgaria
    Tomas Jonsson, European Commission
    Natanail Stefanov, Vice Chairman of the Management Board at Sofia Tech Park JSC
    Jean-Jacques Tortora, Secretary General of EURISY
    Geoff Sawyer, Secretary General of EARSC
    Sofia Copernicus Hackathon (Kamen Iliev)
(YouTube Live)
17:30 – 19:00 Present the schedule for the Hackathon (Katya Dimitrova)
Present the Teams and Mentors (Kamen Iliev)
Start of teaming up (Adelina Aleksieva)
25th April 2020 (Sat)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
10:00 – 14:00 Teaming up (Organizer) SLACK/#_teaming
14:00 – 14:30 Webinar: Presentation of Copernicus Programme – Katya Dimitrova, RST-TTO SLACK/#_live_webinars
14:30 – 16:30 Technical workshop: DIAS / data provider
CREODIASMarcin Gil, CloudFerro
CloudSigmaVanya Nikolova, Viktor Grirorov
16:30 – 17:30 Technical Mentor session – introduction (Ad. Aleksieva, K. Iliev) SLACK/#_live_webinar
26th April 2020 (Sun)
Teams work remotely
27th April 2020 (Mon)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
Teams work remotely
16:30 – 17:00 Webinar: GEO University - An education paradigm shift – Dr. Dimitris Sykas, CEO GEO University SLACK/#_live_webinars
17:00 – 18:00 Discussion with mentors of the 3 main topics and the COVID 19 specific challenges of the Hackathon SLACK/#_mentors_chat
28th April 2020 (Tue)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
Teams work remotely
16:00 Submit a presentation with first ideas e-mail
16:30 – 17:00 Webinar: Project PARSEC-H2020 – Weronika Borejko, EARSC SLACK/#_live_webinars
17:00 – 18:00 Review of the progress with Hackathon Organiser & Mentor session SLACK/#_mentors_chat
29th April 2020 (Wed)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
Teams work remotely
16:30 – 17:00 Webinar: Satellite applications for safer and resilient cities – Jean-Jacques Tortora, EURISY SLACK/#_live_webinars
17:00 – 18:00 Review of the progress with Hackathon Organiser & Mentor session SLACK/#_mentors_chat
30th April 2020 (Thu)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
Teams work remotely
11:00 – 12:00 On-Line Briefing Meeting for the Sixth Call of ESA under the Plan for European Cooperating States (PECS) in Bulgaria, Webinars – ESTEC-ESA, Ministry of Economy, BG WEBEX/#_live_webinars
16:00 Submit a presentation with first ideas e-mail
16:30 – 17:00 Webinar: Workstreams getting started and basics – Elie Goldfarb, SLACK/#_live_webinars
17:00 – 18:00 Review of the progress with Hackathon Organiser & Mentor session SLACK/#_mentors_chat
24:00 Registration closes
1st May 2020 (Fri) – 3rd May 2020 (Sun)
Teams work remotely
4th May 2020 (Mon)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
Teams work remotely
15:00 – 18:00 Video meeting with each team
Review of the progress with Hackathon Organiser & Mentors session
5th May 2020 (Tue) – 6th May 2020 (Wed)
Teams work remotely
7th May 2020 (Thu)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
Teams work remotely
15:00 – 18:00 Review of the progress with Hackathon Organiser, Mentors session, Instruction for preparation of presentations SLACK/#_mentors_chat
Hacking and preparation of the presentationsSLACK
8th May 2020 (Fri)
TimeActionsTech. Inf.
08:00 Deadline for submission of final presentation Send by email
12:00 – 16:00 Presentation of the results SLACK/#_live_webinars
17:30 – 19:00 Announcement of the winners
Rewarding and closing
Virtual drinking - a bottle wine for the participants